Our Not-for-Profit initiative:
Delivering Award-Winning Technology to empower Education, and Inspire Communities
Imagine a world where people come together to establish secure communities, address concerns collectively, shift societal perspectives, and combat harmful actions.
At imabi, we don’t want you to have to imagine this world. We want this world to be a reality.
Our ‘ecosystem’ uses predictive technology to provide users with the tools to make informed choices, seek assistance when needed, and report any unsafe or unethical conduct they encounter.
Through constructive empowerment, we’re looking to put the power to make change in your hands and drive societal change.
imabi is shaping a safer world for all.
Why imabi?
imabi is built for You, by You
imabi puts the power in your hands, adapting to your needs in real time. You shape the experience, empowering informed choices to take preventative, proactive, and targeted actions. With imabi, you’re in control—building a safer environment for yourself and your community.
imabi is ethical and has real purpose
The name imabi is derived from Imogen and Abigail, our founder, Mark’s, two daughters. He recognised they were growing up in a world that’s becoming increasingly dangerous, and, as they grew, Mark knew he couldn’t protect them as he used to when they were younger. Instead, he has to entrust society to protect them. But, to do that, society has to change.
Welcome to the predictive future of prevention, education and empowerment.
Welcome to the predictive future of prevention, education and empowerment.
The imabi ecosystem is groundbreaking
Our philosophy is centred on prevention rather than reaction. Focused on proactively avoiding problems and seizing opportunities as opposed to simply reacting as they occur, our technology is innovative and pioneering.